English Corners
1. Richmond Chinese Cultural Society (208 – 8171 Park Road, Richmond)
Time: Monday 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Contact: pmksbloodw@gmail.com
2. Richmond Chinese Cultural Society (208 – 8171 Park Road, Richmond) (to be updated)
Time: Thursday pm Contact: pmksbloodw@gmail.com
3. Richmond Brighouse Library, Cultural Centre (7700 Minoru, Richmond)
Time: Friday 10:00 am Contact: mottahedeh60@gmail.com
4. Richmond Brighouse Library, Cultural Centre (7700 Minoru, Richmond)
Time: Sunday 10:00 am Contact: mottahedeh60@gmail.com
5. Richmond Centre Mall (6551 No 3 Rd, Richmond, at the Food Court in the Long Sofa corner)
Time: Monday 4:30 pm Contact: mottahedeh60@gmail.com
6. Sunnymede Crescent (7731 sunnymede crescent, Richmond)
Time: Wednesday 4:30 pm Contact: utternothingness@gmail.com
7. Kitsilano Community Centre (2690 Larch St, Vancouver)
Time: Sunday 7:00 pm Contact: fmottahed@gmail.com
8. Collingwood Neighbourhood House (family room, 5288 Joyce St, Vancouver, 604-435-0323)
Time: Sunday 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Contact: lipuge90@gmail.com
9. Vancouver Community College (Room 3608, Bld A, 1155 E Broadway, Vancouver)
Time: Tuesday 3:30 pm - 5 pm Contact: Bijan Adlparvar bijanadl@yahoo.com
10. Vancouver Community College (Room 2662, Bld A, 1155 E Broadway, Vancouver)
Time: Thursday 3:30 pm - 5 pm Contact: Bijan Adlparvar bijanadl@yahoo.com
11. Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre (990 W 59 Ave, Vancouver)
Time: Monday 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Contact: Howard Hendin <howardhendin@gmail.com>
12. Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre (990 W 59 Ave, Vancouver)
Time: Wednesday 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Contact: huda_bolbolan@yahoo.com
13. Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre (990 W 59 Ave, Vancouver)
Time: Friday 3:30 pm Contact: huda_bolbolan@yahoo.com
14. Kerrisdale Community Centre (5851 West Blvd, Vancouver)
Time: Friday 7:00 pm Contact: huda_bolbolan@yahoo.com
15. Dunbar Community Centre (4747 Dunbar St, Vancouver)
Time: Thursday 3:30 pmContact: sahbaimani@yahoo.ca
16. Langara College (100 W 49th Ave, Vancouver)
Time: (to be updated)
17. Acadia Community Centre (2707 Tennis Crescent)
Time: Monday 7:00 pm Contact: judyburge26@gmail.com
18. Wesbrook Welcome Centre (3378 Wesbrook Mall)
Time: Friday 1:30 pm Contact: anisa.newman.azar@gmail.com
19. Metrotown (to be updated)
20. British Columbia Institute of Technology (to be updated)